Before I follow up on the last post, I found some of these online and I just HAD to share. I canNOT tell you how very true, yet funny these statements gotta have a sense of humor!! (I said I would go over "terms", but I think this post will enlighten you enough)
-The Big 'O' no longer refers to Orgasm, but instead to Ovulation
- Every twinge is a potential sign: ovulation pain OR perhaps a sign of pregnancy
- It no longer strikes you as the least bit odd to check out with both HPTs (home pregnancy tests) AND tampons in your cart.
- You schedule your social events around your ovulation day
- If your OPK (ovulation predictor kit) comes up +, you cancel all social engagements that night so you can BD (baby dance) & lie with your legs elevated and butt up in the air afterwards
- You talk using mysterious acronymns that only your ttc (trying to conceive) buddies understand: ttc, BD, ewcm, bbt, opk, 2ww
- Your morning motto is: "Don't talk to me until I've taken my temperature"
- You take your temperature more than once a day (committed TTCer)
- You refuse to finish decorating that 3rd bedroom in your new house, because you can't stand the thought of getting it just the way you want it only to have to tear it apart next month in order to make room for the nursery you'll be needing.
- You put off buying any summer clothes, because you hope they won't fit by the time the weather gets warmer.
- You clip coupons for OPKs and HPTs
- Your doctor says, "Now take these home and inject this needle into your stomach every day" and you don't even flinch.
- You spend more on OPKs, HPTs, and fertility meds than you do on clothes (this is the TRUTH)
- The thought of nausea makes your heart skip a beat!
- You make a mental note of what day of your cycle it is before you say "ok" to a drink
- You finally look forward to mornings! Another opportunity to take and record your temp!
- You refer (and think) of your husband, not as his real name, but as the letters "DH" ("dear husband" in the cyber world) in real life
- You suffer silently from Infertility Vision (IV) - defined as the ability to see pink lines that nobody else can see. It's a very common condition among POASers (pee on a stick) during the days leading up to the official test day. Research is still being done, but at present there is no cure for it!
-You’ve had your feet in stirrups more times than you can count and being poked and prodded “down there” doesn’t even phase you anymore.
- Pregnancy announcements generate tears — and they’re usually not happy ones.
- Birth announcements generate even more tears.
- You have a love/hate relationship with the baby section of all stores, not wanting to go anywhere near it, yet always finding yourself inevitably drawn towards it.
- You could have not only bought a Coach purse, you could have invested in Coach stock with all the money you’ve spent on pregnancy tests.
- You have colored charts and graphs and blow-by-blow journal entries of your cycle to present to your doctor at every visit.
- You’ve read every last article that comes up on Google as to why you might not be pregnant, and have a possible treatment plan to present to your doctor in addition to your charts and graphs.
- You have an addiction to peeing on sticks.
- Walgreens knows you now, because you’re in there monthly stocking up on pregnancy tests.
- You and your husband have ever rendezvoused at weird locations because “it’s time!”
- You could teach health class at the local high school when it comes to a woman’s reproductive system and menstrual cycle. (most definitely)
- You’ve ever promised yourself that “this month you aren’t going to stress it or think about it” but you know that is completely impossible to achieve even as you’re saying it.
- You want to strangle women who do nothing but complain about their children and then inform you that "You’re so lucky and you don’t know what you have to not have children.”
- You’ve called in to work, not because of the first day of cramps, but for another day of heart break.
- You seriously think you’re going to go postal the next time you hear, “Just don’t think about it or stress out about it…” (AMEN)
- You actually understand the following sentence: “It’s CD 12 and I just got a positive on an OPK, so DH and I are going to BD tonight which will then bring on the 2WW (two week wait) and hopefully at the end, when I use my HPT to POAS I’ll get a BFP (big fat positive)!”