The joys of trying to conceive have become few and far between. It's more like the stress of TTC, or the anxiety of TTC or the frustration of TTC. However, I can find a little humor in it still. I was reminded of this humor stumbling upon one of my TTC friend's blogs today. A while back (maybe when I had more humor about the TTC journey) I posted a list of one liners "You Know You're TTC When:" It really is soo funny and sooo darn true, almost depressingly true!
I would say for at least the first nine months of trying, I was a home pregnancy tester FREAK (a serial POAS'er in TTC terms)! I should most definitely have stock in these. I've bought the cheap, the expensive and everything in between. At five days out of getting my period I would start testing! However, after sooo many negatives it did start to become too emotional and expensive, so I stopped. I always buy them at the same place,'s convenient, it's on my way home from work. Whenever I go check out, I always get the same cashier. It's an older sweet lady. She never misses a beat. Every single time I check out she says "Awww, will this be your first?" I just look at her and say "Yes, God willing". She replies "Ooooh I bet you'll be a great mother, I hope you're pregnant". Inevitably I go back in a few days after buying the HPT's and buy stupid tampons!
So, I am itching to go to Walgreens after work today. I am less than five days away from getting my period OR NOT getting it. I keep wavering. I'm a little crampy, different kinda crampy, but still crampy...and that has me in the dumps! I'm not sure if I could endure another "Will this be your first?" or another negative pregnancy test. I have felt no symptoms this month. Problem is if I test too early it could show a false positive due to the HCG shot I had. Apparently a test can show positive for like 12 days or something, from the shot? Now that would be a cruel joke :( Maybe I might just test to see something positive in all of this, even if it is false.
Anyways, I am still hopeful, I probably sound a little negative but I think I'm just apprehensive is all. I think I will buy some tests, maybe I won't see the sweet check out lady :) I'll keep ya'll posted...I should know something this weekend!
Slow Start
1 week ago
3 Fabulous Comments:
Good luck!
biting my nails, yet believing in His perfect timing for your family!!!
Ecclesiastes 3:11... "He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
Thank you guys!! I appreciate the sweet comments. Katrina, I needed to be reminded of that! I had to go and re-read one of my posts regarding waiting on Him...He won't be a minute late. I had a mini meltdown last nite when my cramps got worse and a preg test came back negative. But then today, still no period and no more cramps?? Whatever the case, it's His plan :)
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