I've been debating on blogging about our next steps. I really struggled with our 1st IUI failing...like I said before, I just had realllllly high hopes about it. Then I struggled with having to face soo many people about it. I was soo incredibly excited that we were blessed enough to be able to do the IUI, I basically shouted it from the roof tops. My friends and family are and were amazing through the wait and then wonderful after the crappy news. But in the end, I think it was just too hard to have to go to ALL those people and say it didn't work.
Soooo, we are doing a 2nd IUI this month. I'm only telling a very few family members. If you read my blog and you're a friend or family member...than I guess you're in on it with me (and furthermore, I won't know who knows and who doesn't). But, I do think this is far different than blabbing it all over the place, and that's what got my heart in trouble last time!
About the IUI. I'm on CD8 and have been taking Clomid for the past few days. I have a monitoring ultrasound Friday to see what the ol' ovaries are up to. That's only CD12 for me which is way too early, but it seems they don't wanna come in on the weekend just for an ultrasound. The one thing we are going to do differently is the timing of the IUI. On my first one, in my heart I just felt that it was too late for the IUI. He did an ultrasound right before the insemination and he said I had already ovulated...which is fine, but it's always best to have the swimmers up there right before ovulation! So this time, we are going to do it 24 hours after I get the HCG trigger shot, instead of 36 hours like before.
Jeromy is in Florida for a baseball tournament all week and comes back on Sunday. Looks like we will be doing the IUI Monday morning (week of Thanksgiving), so it's cutting it a little close, ha! I gave him some specific instructions for his trip...one being to PLEASE not spend all day in the hot tub. He said he would be in it everyday just to ensure his muscles aren't too sore from the games...uggghh! As we probably all know, that is NO bueno for the swimmers so hopefully he will sacrifice a little and stay out! I usually go with him on this trip, but I just wanted to save my PTO for something more special. Him leaving had me thinking about our last bball trip to FL last year in November. We had been TTC for about 4 or 5 months at that time and I had brought ovulation tests with me, I had never used them before. I got a positive on the first one I took and you would have thought it was a positive pregnancy test, I was sooo excited! I was so naive, I just knew I would get pregnant simply because I had a positive test and we did the baby dance that night....yea right!! Here we are a year later, trying for almost a year and a half. But it's ok, I've learned so much, and in a way, wouldn't change it for the world...
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
7 Fabulous Comments:
I'll be preaying that round 2 is the one!
Hey there...I was thinking about you and wanted to let you know that I have my fingers crossed that it will work out for you this time around!! Positive thoughts :)
I'll hope and pray that #2 is THE one for you both! GL!
I hope that this round works well for you! You deserve this :)
I'm glad you decided to move forward. Even though this month break for us was nice, I'm ready to get back in there and feel like I'm at least doing something. I also went to a chiropractor yesterday and I have my follow up with him tomorrow. We talked a lot about IF and one thing has me worried - he said the RE probably didn't do a complete enough analysis on me to know if there are other issues. Which I think is true. I'm thinking it has something to do with my spine, my nervous system, and not getting signals where they need to be. I'm glad I'm going to him so early on in this cycle just to hear his thoughts. I don't know if you have back issues (or like sweets) but it might be something for you to look into also. I hope everything goes just as smooth for you this time as last! And you get your BFP!!!!
glad you gave in ;) praying for you both!
Praying for you Amy!
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