Just wanted to share our "scary" (ha ha) experience Jero and I had the other night (you'll see why I said "ha ha"). Let me start off by saying that I'm the BIGGEST SCAREDY CAT ALIVE...EVER!!! If Jero ever has to leave for a work trip, I sleep with a light AND TV on and if I hear the slightest noise- I'm up. Also, when I have to get up to use the bathroom during the night (which is about 3-4 times a night!), I keep the door WIDE open and usually wake Jero up...which he proceeds to growl at me for, ALL because I'm afraid of the dark! Are you getting the picture?
Sooo...two nights ago, I'm laying in bed (wide awake with a tummy ache @ 2:30 a.m.) and I CLEARLY hear a door open with a loud creaking noise. Jero was fast asleep and I'm pretty sure he jumped up and out of bed before I did. We BOTH heard it! SURELY someone was in the house, what else could it be? First, our doors don't normally "creak" and doors don't normally open or close on their own!
OK, me being the scaredy cat I am, have already (probably the day we moved in) thought out a plan if we ever did have an intruder. Here it is: I would grab my phone (which lays on my night stand), go into the bathroom, lock the door and wait to hear a "struggle" ensuing, I would then dial 911 and PRAY Jero won and the intruder wasn't on his way for ME!!! (as Jero says, if I was ever abducted they would bring me back RIGHT AWAY) HA HA :)
Back to the story...I followed through with my plan- I grabbed my phone, went in the bathroom and locked the door! Jero, apparently, followed through with his...he grabbed the UNLOADED shot gun in our closet and headed out to confront the "intruder"! (I won't say if we have bullets or not for those that stumble on my blog and want to pull any shenanigans) ;) He stood there for quite a while at the top of our stairs pondering on where to begin his search. (I periodically peered out the bathroom door) I could hear him going through the upstairs and opening closets and the guest bathroom shower curtain. Then, onto the feared downstairs area, where the "intruder" MUST be hiding! Oh and by the way, my "little" tummy ache was turning into a topsy-turvy MESS by this time.
After a few minutes, Jero hollered up an "all clear" type of message. NO INTRUDER!!! WHAT? I need some rational explanation...NOW! We step outside onto the patio where Jero explains that it must have been the chair that was moved by the wind. Um, there was absolutely, positively NO wind to speak of, but this was the explanation I had to live with for the next 4 hours! So, for the next 4 hours I lay WIDE awake not accepting that the "wind" moved a chair and that had to be the noise we heard. I finally dozed off around 6:30 and had to get up at 7:30 for work :( Let's just say it was a miserable day!
So, what was it? I finally found out what it was that had us up prepared to battle and call 911 for back up. After my one hour of sleep that night, I got up to get in the shower and reached for my towel behind my bathroom door. The hook that held my towel and bathrobe had detached itself from the door and caused the items to fall to the floor and close the door, making the slow creaking noise we heard!!! It was that simple!
Did I over react to the situation? Did I freak out for nothing? Would you be just as scared? What happened in my childhood for me to be such a freak about stuff like this? I know one thing, I watch TOO many forensic and cold case stuff, maybe that's it! But, I look back now and have to laugh with the images of Jero with his shotgun in hand....stay tuned, I will get a real picture of this, maybe even in his boxers just for effect!!!
Slow Start
1 week ago
2 Fabulous Comments:
Now I know WHY you screamed SO LOUDLY when Monica, the RA, was after us. Oh, wait a minute you were screaming about "hashbrowns!!" Never mind... haha! Can totally relate; one scary morning in our old house an entire shelving unit crashed to the floor and it wasn't until many hours later, when we had barely bypassed heart attacks, we found the cause! Still, the way you described this, well I am laughing OUT LOUD! You guys are hysterical! Maybe a next trip to A'ville we could all catch up?
Amy-- You crack me up!! You are soooo funny!! Great Story!!
Love ya'
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