it certainly won't be because of a successful IUI :( So, when I called the RE's office last week to talk about my impromptu IUI, she explained that when I get a positive OPK to call them. Wellll, I got one Monday (or so it looked that way) and tried to call them and they were closed...she failed to tell me they would be closed! Basically, my only option was to go ahead and go on in Tuesday morning and do the IUI. Long story short, it was wayyy to soon...but this resulted in my understanding of a slight "issue" I might have. We went ahead and did the IUI because I had the "goods" and didn't want to waste them.
I went in on CD16 and my follicles were only a 13 and a 14. He said I probably wouldn't even ovulate until like Thursday or Friday, which would be CD18 or 19. I've had a sneaky suspicion that I ovulate late, but didn't realize what a problem that actually can be! Basically if your "luteal phase" isn't roughly about 12+ days long, it can be very hard to conceive. The luteal phase starts the day that you ovulate until the day you get your period. If an egg gets fertilized it needs time to travel to the uterus and get implanted...if the egg doesn't make it in time, your menstruation begins and flushes out the egg EVEN IF IT WAS FERTILIZED :( It makes total sense to me. I read that women with this issue can and do conceive, it just doesn't make it in time to the uterus. My cycle length is generally 29-30 (no more, no less) days and if I ovulate around CD19, that is giving the egg only 10 or 11 days to make the journey :( I'm not saying this is the absolute issue with me, but it really makes a lot of sense to me. Jero's numbers yesterday were AWESOME, so I know his guys can get the job done ;)
My doc said that even though I ovulate regularly, I'm certainly a candidate for meds now that we know I ovulate much later. The meds will help draw in that ovulation date by a couple days. Annnd, apparently a high daily dose of B6 helps the luteal phase tremendously! So, if no success this month I want to try meds with no IUI because it's much cheaper...and heaven knows, it's getting expensive!
I will be back for an update soon :) Praying, praying, praying for a miracle!!
Slow Start
1 week ago
5 Fabulous Comments:
I have heard of lots of women with a LP issue. At least you found something that could be "the problem" and are able to work at fixing it! Good things can come in weird ways. :)
Well sounds like you and Jero need to have a lot of fun this Thursday and Friday. Hope your miracle arrives so you don't have to do the medication. Praying for you guys!! Love you!
Well I pray that this month is extra special for you and you still end up pregnant. My cycle keeps seeming to fall around when my doctor's office is closed also and its so frustrating.
That stinks about your IUI timing! Hopefully you guys will have a lot of fun tomorrow night!
That stinks about the possible LPD. But at least it's a problem that is super easy to fix. B6 or Progesterone suppositories or even Clomid should take of it. One of my blog friends has had two successful pregnancies with a 10 day LP (she used progesterone) - let me know if you want the name of her blog :)
That's really good information to know! I read your previous comment on my blog about the importance of knowing your ovulation day as well as the length of your LP. I think I have pinpointed that my ovulation date is actually 12-14 days and it seems to change from month to month. I guess it's time to buy some OPKs!
I really hope this works out for you this month! I can already imagine how excited I will be when you get that BFP, I can only imagine your own excitement!!!
Good luck lady and enjoy this time!! Most importantly, relax...I know, easier said than done, but try your best :)
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