Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Heartache & Procrastination...

This post is not necessarily about me, so forgive the bridal pic...it does, however, play a part!

Today I found out that my wedding photographer passed away, a little before his time if you ask me. We chose him based on references, and his daughter was also friends with my sister in high school. Little did we know that he would be so incredibly warm, kind, patient and sweet spirited. His nature and spirit stuck with me even after my wedding day, such a precious man! I am overcome with sadness today, and so sad for his family. I will never forget Dale Massey and I will continue to keep his family in my prayers...I can't say enough wonderful things about this man!

On to the procrastination part of this post. I am a horrible bride! Folks, as much as I loved my wedding, my photographer, my photos, my husband...I have YET to order my wedding pictures or any bridal portraits! That is some serious procrastination. So hearing of Dale's passing, I went to his website just to see if I could see a picture of HIS sweet face (I never found one of him)...low and behold, I found this bridal picture of me on his main page. It just brought tears to my eyes, I never knew he had any pics of me on his site. I don't think I've even seen this particular picture of me, or if I ever will have a real copy. I ran into him at Sams a few months ago and was embarrased for the fact that I haven't ordered yet. Of course, he (and his wonderful wife) greeted Jeromy and I with a hug. But, I told him I would get "right on it" ordering my photos and I DIDN'T! I wonder what he must have thought of me??? What bride does that? My goodness!

This was his small business...it was only he & him. I am aware that since I never ordered my photos he probably never went through and touched them up, as photographers do. This might be my loss. Procratstination is a terrible thing, DON'T do it. But, to the bigger point...Dale will be SORELY missed by SO many.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am" John 14:1-3

3 Fabulous Comments:

Sarah said...

If it makes you feel better I haven't ordered my wedding pics yet either and I've been married for going on 4 years.

Markiesnana said...

I hope that you can still get all of the pics that you need. My son got married in October and their pics came in the form of an actual picture book, dustcover and all, picturing them. It was great.
Sorry to hear of his passing.
Every day I am reminded that we just have to live for today, and we don't know what's ahead.
Ck. out my blog and you'll see my mother just turned 90!

aly said...

How sad! :( What a beautiful picture though! I love that verse. Isn't it funny how we've read so many verses, yet forget so many of them?