Thursday, February 12, 2009


Williams: "Hey, Coach K"
Krzyzewski: "Yea?"
Williams: "We KICKED your A$$ on YOUR floor, thanks for having us!"
Krzyzewski: "Um...your welcome?"
Williams: "See ya March 8th, and um, we'll do it again!"

***As a side note, my husband is a DEVOTED (somewhat obnoxious) DUKE, I will probably catch, you know what, for this post...but I HAD to do it! I used to be a big Carolina fan (well, as my hubs says-I "drove" the "wagon", if you know what I mean). You know how it goes, you kinda go with the team that your spouse adores...well, this has been a bit of a challenge for me, and I'm still in the middle of my "conversion". Right now I'm getting a little chuckle out of the game last night...HOWEVER, we did lose $50 on it and that means a nice dinner out the window, so that part makes me sad...along with the fact that Jero is going to be "ill" until Duke cleans up on the 8th! We'll see :)

1 Fabulous Comments:

Clare Therese said...

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