Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is risen!!

What a glorious day Easter is!  What a renewal, He has given us new life on this day...He was victorious over death and in turn gave us abundant, eternal life.  I'm so grateful everyday for what Jesus did on the cross for salvation, His mercy and grace.  What a sacrifice...

When I'm down and out and feeling hopeless...I always remind myself of the enormous sacrifice Jesus made for us, that usually puts an end to my pity-party immediately.  On this Easter it would have been so nice to either be celebrating a pregnancy or dressing a baby in a precious little Easter outfit...but I can't help to realize how ridiculously blessed I already am!!

"He isn't here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying."  Matthew 28:6


Oh...and I forgot to add....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST HUSBAND IN THE WORLD!!  One of the many blessings I was speaking about above :)  This is a pic of us celebrating his was Friday.  He's getting just a tad closer to his 30's so he can finally join me...what a baby!!

1 Fabulous Comments:

Stephanie said...

Happy Easter and happy birthday to your hubby!!