Monday, June 27, 2011


Well, IUI #4 was a BIG fail.  I struggle with the why's, but I'll never know.  I feel like we're falling into the category of "unexplained infertility".  As I've said before, we're both blessed with good eggies and good something is amiss.  Before the lap surgery it was obvious why we couldn't get pregnant, but now I just don't know.

We are taking a very long break. I'm remembering how BIG my God is, how He will bless us in His own timing...not a minute too late. 

Thank you for all the support and prayers...couldn't make it through without them :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Just a quick post to recap.  I'm going for IUI#4 today.  Went yesterday and had one good follie @ 26mm, got the HCG shot at the office and I'm doing it at 3:30 today!  I feel realllly good about the timing of this one, just praying that it actually works!  I know I say this often, but I'm so blessed to have the support that I do here on my blog.  The IF community is amazing, and I couldn't do this w/o the knowledge and support that is given!  I will be back to give an update on our IUI...please pray for us!  Thank you :)